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Super Rush Recklessly - BP03-EN219
Super Rush Recklessly - BP03-EN219 - Common - Battle Pack 3: Monster League (BP03)
Embodiment of Apophis - DLG1-EN099 - Super Rare - Dark Legends 1 (DLG1)
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Super Rush Recklessly - BP03-EN219 - Common - Battle Pack 3: Monster League (BP03)
怨邪帝ガイウス - Caius the Mega Monarch - Normal Parallel Rare - SR06-JP008 - Versão Japonesa
검은 옷의 알버스 - Albaz the Shrouded - SD43-KRT01 - Super Rare - Alba Strike (SD43) - Versão Coreana
雷帝家臣ミスラ - Mithra the Thunder Vassal - Common - SR01-JP011 - Versão Japonesa
闇の呪縛 - Shadow Spell - L3-09 - Ultra Rare - Limited Edition 3 (L3) - Versão Japonesa - Condicao:...
風帝ライザー - Raiza the Storm Monarch - SD14-JP016 - Common - Advent of the Emperor (SD14) - Versão...
邪帝家臣ルキウス - Lucius the Shadow Vassal - Common - SR01-JP010 - Versão Japonesa
エンペラー・オーダー - By Order of the Emperor - Common - SR01-JP039 - Versão Japonesa
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