Emblem of Dragon Destroyer - SY2-033 - Nova
竜破壊の証 - Emblem of Dragon Destroyer - SY2-033 - Common - Structure Deck: Yugi Volume 2 (SY2) -...
ロケット・ヘルモス・キャノン - Rocket Hermos Cannon - Rare - CPD1-JP010 - Versão Japonesa
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竜破壊の証 - Emblem of Dragon Destroyer - SY2-033 - Common - Structure Deck: Yugi Volume 2 (SY2) -...
Lightsworn Barrier - TDGS-EN075 - Common - The Duelist Genesis (TDGS)
青き眼の激臨 - Rage with Eyes of Blue - Rare - DP20-JP004 - Versão Japonesa
キラー・マシーン - Sword Slasher - VOL7-73911410 - Common - Volume 7(VOL7) - Versão Japonesa
振り子刃の拷問機械 - Pendulum Machine - VOL7-24433920 - Common - Volume 7(VOL7) - Versão Japonesa
ライトロード・エンジェル ケルビム - Celestia, Lightsworn Angel - LODT-JP024 - Super Rare - Light of Destruction...
スコール - Violent Rain - VOL6-94042337- Common - Volume 6(VOL6) - Versão Japonesa
クラッシュマン - Togex - VOL7-33878931 - Common - Volume 7(VOL7) - Versão Japonesa
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