Performapal Bot-Eyes Lizard - TDIL-JP001
EMボットアイズ・リザード- Performapal Bot-Eyes Lizard - Rare - TDIL-JP001 - Versão Japonesa
RR-ラダー・ストリクス - Raidraptor - Rudder Strix - Common - CP17-JP014 - Versão Japonesa
Card descriptions
If this card is Normal Summoned, or Special Summoned from the hand by the effect of a "Raidraptor" card: You can inflict 600 damage to your opponent. When this card is targeted for an attack by an opponent's monster: You can Special Summon up to 2 "Raidraptor" monsters from your hand, and if you do, monsters your opponent controls cannot target the monster(s) Special Summoned by this effect for attacks for the rest of this turn.
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EMボットアイズ・リザード- Performapal Bot-Eyes Lizard - Rare - TDIL-JP001 - Versão Japonesa
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