Dark Magic Inheritance - LEDD-ENA18
Dark Magic Inheritance - LEDD-ENA18 - Common - Legendary Dragons of Atlantis! (LEDD-ENA)
トワイライト・イレイザー - Twilight Eraser - Common - COTD-JP072 - Versão Japonesa
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Dark Magic Inheritance - LEDD-ENA18 - Common - Legendary Dragons of Atlantis! (LEDD-ENA)
Bujintei Tsukuyomi - BLLR-EN069 - Ultra Rare - Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge (BLLR)
Rainbow Refraction - FLOD-EN098 - Super Rare - Flames of Destruction (FLOD)
ウィッチクラフトマスター・ヴェール - Witchcrafter Madame Verre - Ultra Rare - DBIC-JP019 - Infinity Chasers (DBIC)...
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier - BLLR-EN060 - Secret Rare - Battles of Legend: Light's...
Sun Dragon Inti - ABPF-EN042 - Ultra Rare - Absolute Power Force (ABPF) - Condição: Usada (95%)
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast - BLLR-EN039 - Ultra Rare - Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge (BLLR)
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