Blackwing - Damascus the Polar Night - AT08-JP004
BF-極夜のダマスカス - Blackwing - Damascus the Polar Night - AT08-JP004 - Common - Advanced Tournament...
EMトランプ・ガール - Performapal Trump Girl - Rare - BOSH-JP007 - Versão Japonesa
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BF-極夜のダマスカス - Blackwing - Damascus the Polar Night - AT08-JP004 - Common - Advanced Tournament...
No.10 白輝士イルミネーター - Number 10: Illumiknight - DP13-JP019 - Common - Duelist Pack Kite (DP13) -...
アースゴーレム@イグニスター - Earth Golem @Ignister - Rare - IGAS-JP041 - Ignition Assault (IGAS) - Versão...
EM(エンタメイト)キャスト・チェンジ - Performapal Cast Change - Common - CROS-JP052 - Versão Japonesa
BF-精鋭のゼピュロス - Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite - Common - DP20-JP031 - Versão Japonesa
EMマンモスプラッシュ - Performapal Splashmammoth - Rare - DOCS-JP002 - Versão Japonesa
EMカレイドスコーピオン - Performapal Kaleidoscorp - DUEA-JP009 - Rare - Duelist Alliance (DUEA) - Versão...
トライアングル・X・スパーク - Triangle Ecstasy Spark - Common - DP21-JP011 - Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 4...
EMトランプ・ガール - Performapal Trump Girl - Rare - BOSH-JP007 - Versão Japonesa
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