Crowned by the World Chalice - COTD-EN018
Crowned by the World Chalice - COTD-EN018 - Common - Code of the Duelist (COTD)
World Legacy's Heart - BLRR-EN099 - Ultra Rare - Battles of Legend Relentless Revenge (BLRR)
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Crowned by the World Chalice - COTD-EN018 - Common - Code of the Duelist (COTD)
Crowned by the World Chalice - MP18-EN044 - Common - Mega Pack 2018 (MP18)
ネフティスの悟り手 - Matriarch of Nephthys - Common - DBHS-JP001 - Versão Japonesa
World Legacy's Corruption - FLOD-EN057 - Common - Flames of Destruction (FLOD)
Chosen by the World Chalice - COTD-EN019 - Common - Code of the Duelist (COTD)
Auram the World Chalice Blademaster - COTD-EN049 - Super Rare - Code of the Duelist (COTD)
Transmodify - BLLR-EN077 - Ultra Rare - Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge (BLLR)
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