Red-Eyes Spirit - DLCS-EN071
Red-Eyes Spirit - DLCS-EN071 - Common - Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series (DLCS)
Magicians Unite - BP03-EN152 - Common - Battle Pack 3: Monster League (BP03)
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Red-Eyes Spirit - DLCS-EN071 - Common - Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series (DLCS)
Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon - DPRP-EN026 - Common - Duelist Pack Rivals of the Pharaoh (DPRP)
Dark Magician of Chaos - BP01-EN007 - Rare - Battle Pack: Epic Dawn (BP01)
Thousand Knives - LEDD-ENA19 - Common - Legendary Dragons of Atlantis! (LEDD-ENA)
Magician Navigation - LEDD-ENA29 - Ultra Rare - Legendary Dragons of Atlantis! (LEDD-ENA)
매지션즈 크로스 - Magicians Unite - MB01-KR028 - Millennium Rare - Millennium Deck (MB01-KR) - Versão...
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