Ultimaya Tzolkin - RC02-JP023
アルティマヤ・ツィオルキン - Ultimaya Tzolkin - Ultra - RC02-JP023 - Versão Japonesa
Doll Monster Miss Mädchen - BACH-EN093 - Common - Battle of Chaos (BACH)
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アルティマヤ・ツィオルキン - Ultimaya Tzolkin - Ultra - RC02-JP023 - Versão Japonesa
Iron Cage - BLRR-EN012 - Ultra Rare - Battles of Legend Relentless Revenge (BLRR)
Blossom Bombardment - TSHD-EN074 - Common - The Shining Darkness (TSHD)
Grandpa Demetto - BROL-EN032 - Secret Rare - Battles of Legend: Brothers of Legend (BROL)
Lady Panther - LON-030 - Common - Labyrinth of Nightmare (LON) - Condicao: Usada (55%)
Trial of the Princesses - SOI-EN044 - Common - Shadow of Infinity (SOI)
도깨비 개구리 - Swap Frog - RC03-KR003 - Super Rare - Rarity Collection Premium Gold Edition (RC03) -...
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