Commencement Dance - PS-11 - Nova
踊りによる誘発 - Commencement Dance - Common - PS-11 - Pharaoh's Servant (PS) - Versão Japonesa
Skill Successor - ANPR-EN063 - Super Rare - Ancient Prophecy (ANPR)
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踊りによる誘発 - Commencement Dance - Common - PS-11 - Pharaoh's Servant (PS) - Versão Japonesa
Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss - PGL3-EN045 - Gold Rare - Premium Gold Infinite Gold (PGL3)
銀の弓矢 - Silver Bow and Arrow - PG-30 - Rare - Phantom God (PG) - Condicao: Usada (55%)
サキュバス・ナイト - Succubus Knight - VOL3-55291359 - Common - Volume 3(VOL3) - Versão Japonesa
Blast Held by a Tribute - DPRP-EN034 - Common - Duelist Pack Rivals of the Pharaoh (DPRP)
氷水 - Ice Water - VOL6-20848593 - Common - Volume 6(VOL6) - Versão Japonesa
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