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Dian Keto the Cure Master - EXSB-S/N - Nova
治療の神 ディアン・ケト - Dian Keto the Cure Master - EXSB-S/N - Common - EX Start Box(EXSB) - Versão Japonesa
Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju - SDAZ-EN008 - Common - Albaz Strike (SDAZ)
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治療の神 ディアン・ケト - Dian Keto the Cure Master - EXSB-S/N - Common - EX Start Box(EXSB) - Versão Japonesa
Enemy Controller - DPBC-EN019 - Common - Duelist Pack Battle City (DPBC)
鎧ネズミ - Armored Rat - VOL5-16246527 - Common - Volume 5(VOL5) - Versão Japonesa
壺魔人 - Dragon Piper - VOL6-55763552 - Common - Volume 6(VOL6) - Versão Japonesa
Lubellion the Searing Dragon - SDAZ-EN042 - Ultra Rare - Albaz Strike (SDAZ)
Forest of Lost Flowers - GRCR-EN034 - Rare - The Grand Creators (GRCR)
泉の妖精 - Fairy of the Fountain - B2-38 - Common - Booster R2(B2) - Versão Japonesa
Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju - SDAZ-EN008 - Common - Albaz Strike (SDAZ)
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