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Dancing Elf - TDPP-JP006 - Secret Rare - Sem Logotipo
ダンシング・エルフ - Dancing Elf - TDPP-JP006 - Secret Rare - Premium Pack: The Legend of Duelist Quarter...
キーメイス - Key Mace - AT14-JP004 - Common - Advanced Tournament Pack 14 (AT14) - Versão Japonesa
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ダンシング・エルフ - Dancing Elf - TDPP-JP006 - Secret Rare - Premium Pack: The Legend of Duelist Quarter...
クレセント・ドラゴン - Mikazukinoyaiba - TDPP-JP003 - Ultra Rare - Premium Pack: The Legend of Duelist...
Fiend Reflection #2 - LOB-021 - Common - Legend of Blue Eyes (LOB)
ヤマタノ竜絵巻 - Yamatano Dragon Scroll - B1-08 - Common - Booster R1 (B1) - Versão Japonesa - Condição:...
千年原人 - Sengenjin - TDPP-JP014 - Ultra Rare - Premium Pack: The Legend of Duelist Quarter Century...
エルフの剣士 - Celtic Guardian - YAP1-JP004 - Ultra Rare - Anniversary Pack (YAP1) - Versão Japonesa
千年ゴーレム - Millennium Golem - B7-47986555 - Common - Booster 7 (B7) - Versão Japonesa
メテオ・ドラゴン - Meteor Dragon - TDPP-JP010 - Ultra Rare - Premium Pack: The Legend of Duelist Quarter...
キーメイス - Key Mace - AT14-JP004 - Common - Advanced Tournament Pack 14 (AT14) - Versão Japonesa
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