Ominous Fortunetelling - PE-52 - Danificada
不吉な占い - Ominous Fortunetelling - PE-52 - Common - Structure Deck Pegasus (PE) - Versão Japonesa -...
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不吉な占い - Ominous Fortunetelling - PE-52 - Common - Structure Deck Pegasus (PE) - Versão Japonesa -...
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Miracle Fusion - LDS3-EN106 - Common - Legendary Duelists: Season 3 (LDS3)
The Weather Painter Rain - MGED-EN096 - Rare - Maximum Gold: El Dorado (MGED)
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Chemistry in Motion - SGX2-ENS02 - Common - Speed Duel GX: Midterm Paradox (SGX2)
女豹の傭兵 - Lady Panther - SM-29 - Common - Spell of Mask (SM) - Versão Japonesa - Condição: Usada (85%)
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Infinite Impermanence - MAMA-EN100 - Ultra Rare - Magnificent Mavens (MAMA)
탐욕의 항아리 - Pot of Avarice - RD/MRP1-KR100 - Secret Rare - Megaroad Pack (RD/MRP1) - Versão Coreana
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Cyber Angel Benten - SGX1-ENE10 - Common - Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box (SGX1)
Naturia Dragonfly - HAC1-EN101 - Normal Parallel Rare - Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1 (HAC1)
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ワイト - Skull Servant - LB-04 - Common - Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (LB) - Versão Japonesa
霊(れい)獣(じゅう)使(つか)い レラ - Ritual Beast Tamer Lara - Common - SPTR-JP022 - Versão Japonesa
Elemental HERO Stratos - BODE-EN100 - Starlight Rare - Burst of Destiny (BODE)
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